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Smallbrook Junction

Until the advent of the Isle of Wight Steam Railway there was no platform at Smallbrook, just the junction which was called after a nearby farm of that name. Prior to 1926 there was no junction, nor Signalbox, at Smallbrook as the lines of the Isle of Wight Railway and the Isle of Wight Central Railway had run parallel from here towards Ryde. Prior to this, in 1898, there had just been a proposed notice board proclaiming:"Junction with the Isle of Wight Central Railway. Direct and shortest route to Newport, Cowes, Yarmouth and Freshwater" though it is not known if this was ever actually erected.

Following the installation of the junction and Signalbox the routes from Ryde could be worked as a double track railway, though this was norally only the case during the busy summer period, with the winter service reverting to two parallel single lines.

Smallbrook Junction

The junction and its Signalbox viewed from a train from Ryde to Ventnor, with the line to Newport branching off to the right..

photograph by Ron Hersey


This page was created 26 June 2021

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