34023 (21C123) Blackmoor Vale & the Bulleid Society Home Page | https://bulleidsociety.org |
34039 Boscastle Page | https://www.gcrailway.co.uk/the-railway/locomotives/34039-boscastle |
34081 92 Squadron Home Page | www.92squadron.co.uk |
35025 Brocklebank Line Page | Presently uncertain though it seems likely the engine may move to Southern Locomotives Ltd. |
Brighton Circle | hwww.lbscr.org/History/Circle |
Class 33 Homepage | www.class33crompton.co.uk |
Class 47 Homepage | www.class47.co.uk |
Cranleigh Railway Line | cranleighrailway.info Note - No 'www' |
EPB Preservation Group | www.epbpg.co.uk |
The Fifty Fund Class 50 | https://fiftyfund.org.uk |
Lynton & Barnstaple Railway Society | https://www.lynton-rail.co.uk/ |
Maunsell Locomotive Society | www.maunsell.org.uk |
Merchant Navy Loco Preservation Society | https://clan-line.org.uk |
Railway Correspondence and Travel Society | https://rcts.org.uk |
Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough | www.rec-farnborough.org.uk |
The Shillingstone Station Project | www.northdorsetrailway.co.uk |
The Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust | https://.sdrt.org.uk |
South Eastern & Chatham Railway Society | www.southeasternandchathamrailway.org.uk |
Southern Electric Group | www.southernelectric.org.uk |
Southern Railway E-mail Group | https://sremg.org.uk |
Southern Locomotives Ltd | www.southern-locomotives.co.uk |
Southern Railways Group | www.srg.org.uk |
South Western Circle | https://www.lswr.org |
Suburban Electric Railway Association | www.sera.co.uk |
Surrey Iron Railway info | https://web.archive.org/web/20100612220919/http://www.croydononline.org/history/places/surreyiron.asp |
The Sussex Transport Portal | www.sussex-transport.co.uk |
The Swanage TC Group | www.4tc.org.uk |
The Terrier Trust | https://terriertrust.org.uk/ |
Vintage Carriages Trust | www.vintagecarriagestrust.org |
Volks Electric Railway Association, | Stan Barnes, Fairfields, London Road, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 9HE. |
What Really Happened to Steam Project | www.//whatreallyhappenedtosteam.co.uk |
Wyvern Rail | https://www.e-v-r.com |
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Southern Railway E-mail Group, the SREmG cannot be held responsible for information, goods
and services supplied as a result of using any of these links.
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Last updated 28 April 2021