5 & 9 Models Simple kits for models of very early London Brighton and South Coast Railway prototypes |
www.5and9models.co.uk |
247 Developments | www.247developments.co.uk |
ABS Kits | Ceased trading 9th July 2011 |
ABS Models | https://tramwayinfo.com/Models/Makersuk/Abs.htm |
ACE Products, | PO Box 700, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7YF Tel: |
AMR Electronics (Replacement Motors) | PO Box 46, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1AD Tel: 01293 544805 Tel: 01305 772687 |
Agenoria Kits | https://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/categories/desc/catL-Loco_Kits |
Bachmann Branchline | https://www.bachmann.co.uk/ |
Bill Bedford Models | https://mousa-models.co.uk |
Brush House - single line block instruments and train describer for layouts | https://trenoweth.co.uk/BITD/ instruments@brushhouse.co.uk |
Cambrian Models | www.cambrianmodels.co.uk/ |
Cambridge Custom Transfers | https://www.cctrans.org.uk/ |
CGW/International Models | www.timbertracks.co.uk |
Chivers Finelines | www.chiversfinelines.com |
C&L Finescale | ww.timbertracks.co.uk |
Comet Models | www.cometmodels.co.uk |
Connoisseur Models | www.finneyandsmith.co.uk |
CRT Kits | https://www.crtkits.co.uk |
Dapol | https://www.dapol.co.uk |
DC Kits | https://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk Email: Charlie@dckits.co.uk |
DJH Engineering Ltd | www.djhengineering.co.uk |
D&S Models ( Mail Order Only) | 46 The Street, Wallington, Nr Baldock, Hertfordshire, SG7 6SW |
Easy-Build | www.easybuildcoaches.co.uk |
EFE Diecast | www.showbus.co.uk/efe/ |
Electra Railway Graphics (N Gauge Model Railway Products) |
32 New Road, Woodston, Peterborough PE2 9HA Tel: 07906 148070 (anytime) 01733 755138 (after 6:00pm) www.electrarail.co.uk E-mail: adam.warr@ntlworld.com |
E.M. Gauge Society Trader Members | https://www.emgs.org |
Exeter Wagon Works (S Scale) | https://exwagonworks.blogspot.com |
Expanded Polystyrene Supplies | https://expandedpoly.co.uk |
Fox Transfers | 138, Main Street, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67
9UX, UK. tel: 01530 242801 E-mail: info@fox-transfers.co.uk |
Stephen Freeman. Finescale Trackwork 7mm to 4mm scales Colour Light and Semaphore Signals | https://tracknsignals.co.uk |
Gauge-0-Railway | www.gaugeorailway.plus.com |
GEM Kits | |
Genesis Kits (Mail Order Only) | www.waveneycottage.co.uk |
Alan Gibson (Mail Order) | PO Box 597, Oldham OL1 9FQ Tel: 0161 6781607 www.alangibsonworkshop.com E-mail: sales@alangibsonworkshop.com |
Golden Arrow Handbuilt Models | 392 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel/fax: 01424 445334 Email: c.meach@tiscali.co.uk www.goldenarrow.me.uk |
Shirley Goodall (was Albert Goodall) | 20, Kingswood Rd, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2XE 01732 462628 |
Gosport Railwworks, manufacturer of N Gauge 3-D printed kits of items which aren't available as R-T-R for the scale. | https://gosportrailworks.carrd.co Contact James Bateman: jpb11862@yahoo.co.uk |
Hornby | https://www.hornby.com/uk-en |
Iain Logan Fonts commercial | homepages.enterprise.net/iainlogan/commercial/index.html |
Iain Logan Fonts free | homepages.enterprise.net/iainlogan/modelrail/free.html |
Kadee | https://www.kadee.com |
Keen Systems (Couplings & Pullman supplies) |
www.keen-systems.com |
Kirk Models | Colin Ashby, "The Bijou", 7 Lea Lane East, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5RF |
Langley Models (Kits) | www.langley-models.co.uk |
London Road Models | www.londonroadmodels.co.uk |
MJT ( Mike Trice) bogies | 41 Oak Avenue, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 8EP |
Maplin Electronics | https://www.maplin.co.uk |
Markits | www.markits.com/ |
Model Engineering Products, Bexhill | 17 Sea Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 1EE Tel: 01424 223702, Fax: 01424 223702, Mobile: 07808 212236 |
Modelmaster Decals | 31 Crown Street, Ayr, KA8 8AG Tel: 01292 289770 https://modelmaster.uk E-mail: sales@sales@modelmasterdecals.com |
MSC Models | www.mscmodels.co.uk |
No Nonsense Kits | tel: +44 (0)1268 730549 https://www.phoenix-paints.co.uk/products/nnknononsensekits |
Original Omnibus Company | https://www.corgi.co.uk/shop/by-brand/original-omnibus.html |
Parkside Dundas | https://peco-uk.com/pages/parkside-models |
PDK Models - Manufacturers of British Outline Model Locomotive Kits | P.D.K. Models, P.O. Box 202, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9ZX Tel: 01209 860551, Fax: 01209 861130 www.pdkmodels.co.uk E-mail: pdkmodels@hotmail.co.uk |
Peco | https://peco-uk.com |
Peter Clark Models | www.peterclarkkits.com |
Phoenix Kits (Southern Railways Group) | >www.srg.org.uk/phoenix |
Phoenix Precision Paints | https://phoenix-paints.co.uk/ |
Portescap Motors | https://www.portescap.com |
POW Sides | Transfers and commissions: March Cottage, Warehouse Road, Stebbing, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 3ST, UK. tel: +44 (0)1371 856401 Kits and RTR wagons: Poplars Farm, Aythorpe Roding, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1RY, UK. tel: +44 (0)1279 876402 (voice & fax). robert.tivendale@virgin.net |
Precision Labels ( Pullman Car Lettering) |
www.precisionlabels.com |
Prototype Replica Model Rly Products | www.prmrp.com |
Radiospares Components (Electronics) | https://uk.rs-online.com/web |
Ratio | https://peco-uk.com/pages/ratio. |
Redcraft Ltd | Redcraft Ltd, Unit 8 Royal Stuart Workshops, Adelaide Place, Cardiff, CF10 5BR Tel: 029 2025 1049 |
Roxey Mouldings | 58 Dudley Road, Walton-on- Thames, Surrey KT12 2JU Tel/fax: +44 (0)1932 245439 www.roxeymouldings.co.uk |
Scale Four Society | https://traders.scalefour.org |
SE Finecast | www.sefinecast.co.uk Glenn House, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5DZ, UK. tel: +44 (0)1342 824711 fax: +44 (0)1342 822270 |
Shawplan Modelling Products | 38, Coniston Road, Earlesdon, Coventry, CV5 6GW. Tel: 01203 711483 e mail:gjshaw@cix.compulink.co.uk |
Shedmaster O Gauge Models | Gadebrook,3 Green Lane, Hythe, Kent CT21 4DY Tel: 01303 269668 e mail:rhbollen@lineone.net |
Slater's Plastikard Online | https://slatersplastikard.com |
Smallbrook Studio | www.smallbrookstudio.com |
The South Eastern & Chatham Railway Society | www.southeasternandchathamrailway.org.uk |
Southern Pride Models | 9 Manor Avenue South, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 6DS, UK. www.southernpridemodels.co.uk |
Southwark Bridge Models | www.sbmodels.org |
Taylor Precision Models | www.tpmodels.co.uk |
Ultrascale | https://ultrascale.uk |
Visions International Model Railway Signs | https://visions-international.myshopwired.com/ |
Wagon & Carriage Works | www.wagonandcarriage.co.uk |
Williams Models (Gauge 3) | www.williamsmodels.co.uk |
Wills | https://peco-uk.com/pages/wills-kits. |
Woodland Scenics | https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com |
Worsleyworks Kits | www.worsleyworks.co.uk |
Wrightlines | www.keykits.net |
Although these links are supplied in good faith by the
Southern Railway E-mail Group, the SREmG cannot be held responsible for information, goods
and services supplied as a result of using any of these links.
Links within this section of the SREmG site are checked periodically, but with
the internet being what it is the SREmG cannot guarantee that they will work
indefinitely. The
invites your co-operation by informing him when you discover a link is either
not working and/or has been replaced by a more recent URL. |
Updated 31 May 2011