4mm Model Builder's Guide | www.clag.org.uk |
British Railway Modelling | https://www.warnersgroup.co.uk/world-of-railways/british-railway-modelling |
Combwich Branch | www.nevard.com/modelrailway/ |
Dave Harris' modelling pages | www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~worting |
David Smiths' modelling pages featuring his Misherton and Hewish Gates railways. | www.amodelrailway.co.uk |
Graeme Muz's model railway world and meanderings | www.grahammuz.com |
Hull MRS (Brockley Green S.E.4 layout where Southern Electrics with both third rail and overhead wire systems run and steam also - and how!) | www.thewheel.karoo.net/ |
Kitmaster Kits | www.kitmaster.org.uk/ |
New Railway Modellers | www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk |
Photos from the Fifties | (Hugh Davies), 32 Charterhouse Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2AQ Tel: +44 (0)1483 416357 |
UK Model Shops Directory | www.ukmodelshops.co.uk |
Wandle Valley Railway (Mike Watts) | www.s-scale.org.uk/gallery4.htm |
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Last updated 11 April 2020