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Such is the scope of this subject it is not possible to provide
definitive coverage so we only aim to give a flavour of this stock before it
finally disappears from "mainline" service altogether . Today
the majority of non-EMU MkI stock is to be found on preserved railways although
some of these and the Rail Charter Services Ltd (RCS) MkI sets do appear on
National Rail Network excursion services.
The Southern Region ran the majority of its BR MkI coach stock in fixed sets, as did to a certain extent Network SouthEast for services on former Southern lines. When first introduced on the Southern Region MkIs carried the prevailing crimson and cream livery. The last BR(S) stock appeared in these colours in 1956 . From then onwards coaches were constructed or repainted into the Southern's beloved green - albeit to a different richer and darker shade than SR malachite. The original BR livery specification was for black coach ends but from 1964 onwards ends were painted the same colour as the body sides to take advantage of the new airless spraying techniques. From the late 1960s BR Corporate blue and grey prevailed, though it is rumoured the Southern Region took the BR blue/grey specification being for main line trains only too literally and turned out a small number of coaches for a short time in overall blue. From the late 1980s the colourful and complex Network SouthEast livery was applied. The Southern Region introduced continental style colour bands at cantrail level, initially on boat train services, in 1960. Yellow designated first class accommodation and red catering vehicles. This soon spread to other Southern Region coaching stock, including Maunsell, Bulleid and EMU designs. By 1963 this practice had spread to the rest of BR. Although second class accommodation was generally abolished in the south in stages up to September 1923 the Southern Railway and Region retained it for use on continental boat train services. Fifteen MkI second class opens were specially constructed for Southern boat train services. Passengers were seated in eighth bays of 2+1 pattern with a central door on each side opening into a seating bay. When European second class was abolished on 3 June 1956 the former third class was redesignated second and these fifteen unique coaches were initially designated second without any special markings. However their 48 seat only capacity created rostering problems on intensive Southern services so in 1960 they were reassigned and relettered as Restaurant Cars until an early withdrawal. Even though international passenger travel by boats had been largely killed by airliners the Southern still continued with its traditional Ocean Liner Boat Train service to Southampton, though in its later days concentrating on cruise liners and the remaining intermittent Trans-Atlantic services. However on 1 November 1991 the last Ocean Liner set consisting of eight MkI FKs and one MkI BSK was disbanded to provide additional stock for West of England services. Following Southern Railway practice the Southern Region stabled its coach stock at various points throughout their system though with the progressive withdrawal of locomotive hauled services all hauled coaches were allocated to Clapham Yard by 12 May 1986 (excepting six BSKs for the remaining SE/Central newspaper services). Further rationalisation of hauled coach stock under Network South East saw stock for the few remaining Southern services being supplied by (horror of horrors to Southern enthusiasts!) Old Oak Common and Newton Abbot. For more information on BR MkI coaches you are strongly advised to read the master work on this subject - the book "British Railways Mark 1 Coaches by Keith Parkin MA, published by Pendragon in association with the HMRS, ISBN 1-899816-07-0". Following pictures of MkI coaches in BR(S) green are from the RCS "Golden Jubilee" set and in their current specification are not authentic for BR(S) service. Coaches from this set may not have been allocated to the Southern Region at any time and they now run on Commonwealth bogies whereas B1 bogies would have been used at least in early BR(S) service. |
Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image and description.
This section was last updated 27 June 2020
Early versions had a wooden veneer finish with, in most cases, a useful lable telling what the wood was and from whence it came. Later versions used plastic laminate which, although lighter and "airier", didn't have the same ambience as the veneered ones.
The seating arrangements in the coaches varied according to usage. The normal in First Class was to have three seats either side of a compartment or a two plus one arrangement in an open saloon. Third/second/standard class, however, was not so straightforward. Whereas compartment stock was mainly of four seats per side, the open saloons had two arrangements, the two plus one arrangement for the longer journeys of the Eastern and Midland regions or the two plus two arrangement for their shorter journeys and for all useage on the Southern and Western regions. To differentiate the former were classified SO whilst the letter were TSO.
Click on the thumbnails below for a larger image and description.
This section was last updated 22 November 2003
Coach Fittings | Coach Sets